Caregiver Conference
March 2022
For over 20 years, Keiro has offered Caregiver Conferences to support thousands of Japanese American and Japanese older adults and their caregivers. The conference will continue to provide caregivers and their loved ones the best subject matter experts, panelists, and resources possible in an accessible and practical manner. The conference in 2022 was in a three-part series over three consecutive weeks.
Each session was a one-hour long presentation and Q&A followed by a 30-minute virtual resource fair.
Session #1: Understanding Long-Term Care by Karl Kim, CFP, Certified in Long-Term Care (CLTC)
Tuesday, March 8 | 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. PST
Session #2: Navigating Challenging Conversations by Kanako Fukuyama, MSW & Andrea Strouth, MSW
Wednesday, March 16 | 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. PDT
Session #3: Stress Management for Caregivers by Nancy Clifton-Hawkins, MPH, MCHES
Saturday, March 26 | 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. PDT
Session Details
Understanding Long-Term Care
Presented by Karl Kim CFP, Certified in Long-Term Care (CLTC)
Tuesday, March 8 | 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. PST
The world of long-term care can be confusing to navigate unless you have a counselor to walk you through it. Karl Kim, CFP, CLTC, will provide an overview of the cost of long-term care as well as payment methods (Medicare, Medi-Cal, private pay, and other options) in order to assist people in preparing financially for future care costs.
Navigating Challenging Conversations
Presented by Kanako Fukuyama, MSW & Andrea Strouth, MSW
Wednesday, March 16 | 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. PDT
Conversations related to health care preferences and caregiving preparation can be challenging subjects to navigate. However, knowing the wishes of a loved one and having proper documentation in place can be beneficial as caregivers consider advance care planning. Understanding that these conversations within Our Community may not be easy to bring up, Kanako Fukuyama, MSW, and Andrea Strouth, MSW will discuss strategies to navigate these challenging, and possibly daunting, conversations with loved ones.
Stress Management for Caregivers
Presented by Nancy Clifton-Hawkins, MPH, MCHES
Saturday, March 26 | 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. PDT
Research shows that caregiving can be a very rewarding, yet stressful experience. Maintaining good mental health as a caregiver is of utmost importance. Nancy Clifton-Hawkins, MPH, MCHES, will discuss how to recognize signs of stress and strategies to manage that stress so that caregivers can continue to care for themselves while they care for their loved ones. This presentation will provide attendees with a different perspective on caregiving – focusing on how to care for the body’s most important organ, the brain.
Presenter Biographies
Resource Fair Vendors

Event Sponsors
Presenting Sponsor
Aratani Foundation
Caregiver Care Package Sponsor
Lynn Miyamoto & Kevin Kroeker
Resource Fair Sponsor
The Doizaki Family
Jack Kurihara & Carol Inge
Kawaguchi-Kihara Memorial Foundation
Session Sponsor
TheKey / Millennia
Event Donors

Donors listed as of March 24, 2022.
Professional Consultations
Opportunities to seek free professional consultations on the phone were available for attendees after each session. You must have registered for and attended the corresponding session to sign-up for a professional consultation.
The Caregiver Conference is FREE to the community and is made possible by Keiro along with support from The Aratani Foundation, our community partners, sponsors, donors, and volunteers.
For questions or concerns please contact [email protected].