
As more programs, events, and connection takes place virtually, please utilize these resources to get yourself online and familiarized with Zoom technology to virtually connect with others around you! Please click on the links to download a document or read the article.

How to Join a Zoom Meeting

These are step-by-step guides on how to join Zoom calls from your smartphone, tablet, computer, or phone.

While You are on a Zoom Meeting

Here are tips and other features to know when on a Zoom meeting:

  • Zoom Etiquette – This article summarizes etiquettes to remember when attending a meeting.
  • Zoom Basic Features – This covers some of the basic features you can use during a meeting including muting, reactions, chats, virtual backgrounds, and virtual filters.
  • Creating Virtual Backgrounds – Read this PDF on how to create virtual backgrounds!

How to Host Your Own Zoom Meeting

Consider being a host instead of always joining the meetings!

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