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This watercolor painting is a hydrangea flower in the garden of my house.Dazzling of Color 1990 - Dr. Robert Yonemoto (99)It's a decorative object, and I enjoyed making it.Bluebird - Hiromi Nishimura (104)I like drawing birds. I learned watercolor painting since I came to Nikkei Senior Gardens.Knitting Plush Bear - Katsuko Tanaka (91)Other than making scarfs and blankets, I challenged to make something different this time. The knitting plush bear can move their hands and feet, and hope my grandchildren would like them.Rabbit - Kay Tashima(98)I drew "rabbit" during a watercolor painting class at Nikkei Senior Gardens. I like to paint animals.Sunflower - Kiyoko Hayes (94)This sunflower watercolor painting is one of my favorites because I like to draw vivid-colored flowers.Bird - Lois Yagi (97)This work "Bird" was made during a watercolor painting class at Nikkei Senior Gardens and I enjoyed it. I look forward to the Saturday watercolor painting class.Time to Relax ~ Go Fishing - NJ Nakamura (65)Five years ago, I discovered the joys of trout fishing! It is such a relaxing time to "get-away" for peace, relaxation and sometimes the adrenaline rush of catching a trout.Honu (Turtle) Ukulele - Ralph Ichikawa (84)Carved on the sound board is the Big Island in place of the hole and the rest of the islands as burnt figures with bird of paradise at the bottom. Side and back made of koa wood and the sound board is spruce.Through the Mist - Rick Osaka (66)An aspect of quality is the ability to connect with my surroundings no matter how ordinary and try to make it memorable. I reduced this painting to its core elements: black, white and vertical lines.Locomotive - Sadao Dairiki (95)Hobby 3D wodden puzzle. Three months of work.Kutaniyaki pot and Cymbidium - Satoko Yamamura (91)This is the watercolor painting of a Kutaniyaki pot that I bought during a trip to Kyushu (a famous spot for pottery) and a flower of Cymbidium that bloomed in the garden.Peace - Setsuko Hayashi (84)Batik Silk MandalaTime flies like an arrow - Tamiko Inoue (93)Japanese Calligraphy is what I love. I've been doing it ever since I was in Japan. Even after I retired, I enjoy doing it during an activity class at Nikkei Senior Gardens.african violet - Tamiko Takagi (89)This african violet is familiar flowers and I enjoyed watercolor painting of flowers with various colors.My two kittens - Tomoko Uehara (82)The cats are made of cotton and plastic beads are inside. The cusion is using a japanese fabric called chirimen. These kittens help me feel better when i am struggling or sad. 猫はコットンの生地で中はプラスチックのビーヅで、クッションは日本のちりめんです。悲しい時、苦しい時等慰めてくれるキティ達です。Peonies - Virginia Suzuki (87)Quilting summons my creative spirit preserving the tradition but trying new approaches. Designing with colors and forms is an articstic expression which is an antidote to being inundated with the current speed of changes and ideas… thus, aside from being a member of a large community of quilters and a member of CENW, all of the above contribute greatly to my quality of lifeWinter - Yoshiko Mitsuhashi (94)I used a lot of imagination to add details. Enjoyed the process of creativity.Grasses - Margaret Yukiko Zumwinkle (90)We are all a part of the calm and comfortable natural world. Acrylic painting on paper.Untitled - Helen Fukuhara (72) -Braille InstituteMonoprint from cardstock and ink.Waiting for Friends - Kathy Good (79) -Braille InstituteThis mixed media and acrylic on canvas painting depicts a beautiful beach scene with lawn chairs. It represents what contributes to my quality of life: painting, landscapes, and good friends.Flower Mandala Mosaic - Debbie Hill (69) -Braille InstituteDespite vision loss Debbie Hill remains passionate about mosaic art; to her, quality of life means creating creative crafts. Debbie designed this beautiful springtime flower pattern in soft, neutral tones.For the love of spring mosaic - Ina Beach (94) -Braille InstituteIna Beach is incredibly active in her creative life and through physical fitness; to her, quality of life is keeping the mind and body always sharp! She designed this mosaic trivet using heart-shaped tiles to create a beautiful rose pattern.Landscape with Brilliant Sunset - Bill Brown (79) -Braille InstituteBill Brown has a background in architecture, and he defines quality of life in many ways including pursuing his creative interests and the natural beauty of local landscapes. This painting is one of many works by Brown and showcases his affinity for brilliant and bold color.My garden - Nancy Min (75) - Braille InstituteNancy Min is completely dedicated to her creative pursuits and growing beautiful flowers, including these orchids, in her garden. This artwork marries both passions; Nancy took photos of her orchids, collaged them onto canvas, and added layers of paint and stenciling to make this mixed media piece.Quality of Life: Cycle of Life - Stephanie Leathers (63) - Braille InstituteStephanie Leathers has immersed herself in art since childhood. Her collage artwork focuses on the many different stages in the life cycle, highlighting important moments from childhood through late adulthood. She also designed the collage to be a celebration of Japanese culture.Haiku - Haruko Tsukayama (77) -Sakura Gardens Haiku ClubI am from Michinoku Fukushima prefecture. I can feel the snow and miss Japan!Haiku - Fujiko Yoshikawa (87) -Sakura Gardens Haiku ClubLooking back at my life up until now, in a flashback I wash them away with water - War, the atomic bomb, and surviving all that. 今まで生きてきた人生、大水で全部流し、戦争、原爆、を生き延びた私全く走馬灯みたいです。Haiku - Kuniko Une(91) - Sakura Gardens Haiku ClubEvery month we have a seasonal term to use. Nappa was one of the terms and remembered about my mother and her cooking. 毎月兼題として季語が出ます。白菜、ということで母を思い出しました。忘れられない味がよみがえりました。Haiku - Reiko Sasaki(86) - Sakura Gardens Haiku ClubI sat at a bench near the park and saw the movements of the shadow in front of me. The shadows came from the light between the trees, and was moving in an interesting way. 公園のベンチに座り、目の前の影の動きを見ていた。その影は気の間から漏れてくる光から出動きが面白かった。Haiku - Tomiyo Hatago (82) -Sakura Gardens Haiku ClubIt became spring, and around me is filled with new life sprouting. やっと春になり、あたりは新しい命に満ちている。Inspiration - Paul Imahara(85) - Sakura Gardens Ceramics ClubJoy of life and doing something fun during the pandemic restriction.Medley 7, 8, 9 - Violet Kuroki(85) - Sakura Gardens Ceramics ClubBeauty is in the eye of the beholder - mine! That’s a black “oke.” Most incredible class!Cone 5 ceramic pieces - Hitoshi Yamada(86) - Sakura Gardens Ceramics ClubPots made on the potter’s wheel are bowls used for serving food. All of the hand built flower vases of different shapes can be used from different occasions.My Little Bowls - May Hamada(92) - Sakura Gardens Ceramics ClubSince there was a ceramics class at Sakura Gardens, I chose it. Molding the clay, wondering what the finished product would look later.Sakura Gardens Ceramics Club - Fumiya Matsushima(82)Sakura Gardens Ceramics Club - Kazumi Uyechi (92)Sakura Gardens Ceramics Club - Satoko Komaki (91)Sakura Gardens Ceramics Club - Suzuko Alimento(88)Sakura Gardens Ceramics Club - Tomito Hatago (82)Sakura Gardens Ceramics Club - Yoshi Komaki (99)