A message from the CEO
Over the last couple of weeks, we have started to see businesses reopening and restrictions being lifted. For the first time in nearly three months, people have been able to start dining in restaurants, enjoy the outdoors, or get a much-needed haircut. I’ve been anxiously awaiting the moment when I can hug my grandson without worry, eat at my favorite local restaurant, or take my postponed family trip. While it seems like a relief that life is returning “back to normal,” it is important for us older adults especially to remember that COVID-19 is still a threat and there is no vaccine or cure. Every day, when I look at the news, I see the number of cases and deaths continue to grow.
So what does tomorrow look like? Health officials are working to assess when businesses, schools, churches, and other organizations can reopen. How to safely gather, whether it be in small groups or larger groups, with our family and loved ones. And how to ensure that the health care system is properly prepared. They are assessing the number of cases each day to determine the safest course of action. Scientists around the globe are also working tirelessly to find a vaccine and treatment, but that could still take at least another year.
I’m sure you’re just as restless as I am, but we all need to take this one day at a time. The health officials are predicting that it will be quite some time before things return to how it was before COVID-19 took over our world. So we must continue to be diligent about maintaining safe physical distancing, wearing proper protection, and sanitizing thoroughly. Each of us has an obligation to keep ourselves and our loved ones, including our older relatives and friends, safe in order to get through this crisis.
Keiro is here for you, as we go through this together. We are committed to providing you with accurate and relevant information pertaining to COVID-19. We are also committed to providing timely education and resources to help you navigate the challenges of aging, especially during these uncertain times. Keiro continues to adapt to meet the immediate needs of our community, including meal delivery to older adults, in-home palliative care services, virtual classes, and online resources. We are here for you, every step of the way.
Gene S. Kanamori
President & CEO
For more information on items to be careful about as reopening progresses, please view Keiro’s factsheet
(Originally published 6/10/2020)